Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Beautiful People: Anne-Marie MacKeats

So here goes another Beautiful People Q&A! Yay! 
I've decided to do Anne-Marie MacKeats. Also known as Nan. She's the heroine of my contemporary drama/romance Windfell Heath.

And she lives in Land's End, England

In this tiny town that looks kind of like this...

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Anne-Marie.

1)      What’s their favorite food? (Bonus: favorite flavor of chocolate!)
Well, when she lived in England, her favorite food was Oreos. She and Andro loved to curl up by the fireside, read, and eat Oreos. But when she moved to the States, she was introduced to tacos, and she absolutely loves fish tacos! Her favorite flavor of chocolate…? Milk chocolate – just plain old milk chocolate.

2)      What do they absolutely hate?
She hates prejudice – the way people whisper behind other peoples backs just because they’re different, are of a different race, or are not as privileged as most.

3)      What do they enjoy learning about?
Literature – whether it be philosophy, poetry, or novels. She loves learning about different views written via literature.

4)      Who is the most influential person in their life?
Hmmm… I’m going with her mother. Her mother taught her to read, gave her love of learning, and also taught her open-mindedness. It was probably this which brought her to her friendship with Andro who then became her next most influential person. But that’s because they were in love, so duh!

5)      What is their childhood fear?
Her father. She was afraid of him as he was often drunk and would beat her. She was also afraid of the insecurity she caused him. It was because of her mother’s death that her father became like that – and as the story goes, Nan blames her mother’s death on herself.

6)      What is something they have always secretly dreamed of doing, but thought impossible?
Traveling the world. She secretly longed to travel the world, but often reminded herself that nothing could be better than Windfell Heath, so she never really encouraged the idea.

7)      What is something he/she is impractically afraid of?
Nan is definitely not the kind of girl who screams over spiders/cockroaches. She’s way tougher than most girls probably because she’s had to live a rather… unsanitary lifestyle. So I don’t really think she’s impractically afraid of anything.

8)      Are they a night owl or morning person?
Night owl of course! She and Andro would stay up reading or adventuring late into the heath far after midnight.

9)      Do they say everything that pops into their head, or leave a lot unsaid?
Nan stays quiet around most people, but with Andro and Lorraine, she is definitely bubbly.

1)   What are their nervous habits?
She wipes her hands on her laps when she nervous and also looks to the floor quite often when she’s flustered or uncomfortable.

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