Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Beautiful People: Emily Smith


Here's some questions for writers to answer about their characters. I have decided to choose Emily Smith since I already posted a bit of her story and since, of course, I just love her.
1)      What is their full name and is there a story behind why they got it?

Emily Smith. It’s plain, I know. There’s really no story behind her name… It’s kind of boring. She’s just the daughter of a poor art-teacher and housewife, so Smith instantly came to mind. And the moment I imagined Emily’s face, her brown hair, her green eyes… I thought, “Emily!” So that’s why she’s called Emily.

2)      How old are they, and when were they born?

She’s twenty years old at the beginning of the story which is 1905. (Wait, a sec, let me do the Math…) She would have been born in 1885. Wow, that sounds old.

3)      Describe their physical appearance. (Bonus questions: 1. What is their race/nationality/ethnicity? 2. Do you have a picture of them? If so, include it!)

Emily is fair-skinned, but not too pale! She has thick champagne-brown hair with big green eyes that her grandmother used to call “emeralds”. She has a sweet face, almost heart-shaped and her lips are pink and plump. She’s small in height, but not short. She’s English on both sides. Very English. A picture of her…? Of course! Why she’s Amanda Siegfried!

And I even have a picture of the master too! It’s Richard Armitage (North and South), but I photo-shopped an effect on his face to make him have scars like the master! (Awesome, right?!)

And I got so creative, I even made a poster!

4)      Describe your character's personality first in one word, and then elaborate with a few sentences.

Strong. Emily is a very strong girl to have undergone the death of her parents, grandmother and memory at once. And in spite of all her personal troubles, she is strong enough to care for the weaker, like little Charlie.

5)      What theme song(s) fit their personality and story arc?

Definitely, I would have Chopin’s Nocturne in E Minor. (The Pianist soundtrack)Whenever I play it, I imagine the master playing it… *sniffles and sighs* It’s beautiful, dark, mysterious and has a climax of passion that just makes me want to cry and laugh and scream at the same time! Don’t skip this video, bloggers! Listen to it and listen to it well. You hear that? That’s a soul crying.

(Okay, enough drama…)

6)      Which one of the seven deadly sins describes your character?


7)      If they were an element (fire, water, earth, air), which one would they be?

Um… Earth? But then there are times when she does seem like a fire that just doesn’t go out! She’s so passionate about everything she does. But I say Earth because she is very down-to-earth.

8)      What is their favorite word?

What?! Oh, come on! How should I know? It’s not something I can just ask her! Is there any such thing as a favorite word? A favorite animal, yes. A favorite flower, yes. But favorite word? Bah!

9)      Who’s one person they really miss? (It could be someone who’s passed away, or someone they’re not close to anymore, or someone who’s moved away.)

That would be her father. He was her art teacher, mentor, father and friend. He encouraged her studies in art and would spend happy hours teaching her and John painting techniques when they were young. *sigh* Happy times…

10)   What sights, sounds, and smells remind them of that person?

Her father was an artist, so of course art. But since he died in a fire, the smell of smoke also reminds her of the accident.

Ok, so that’s Emily Smith! Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. interesting! I always love checking out Beautiful People posts :)
