Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sisters - The Poem that Inspired this Blog

Hello, world!
This is the poem I wrote about Rose and I. This is actually what inspired us to make a sister blog, showing the beauty in our differences -  no matter how stark the contrast is!

Hope you like it...




Two beings with the same soul,

Bound forever to never be apart.

We may be different in mind and looks,

But we always reflect the other’s heart.


We may annoy each other sometimes,

And all but tear out each other’s hair,

But amid our little squabbles,

Affection is always there.


You are sometimes annoyed by my books

And I sometimes by your economy

You go about things patiently, gently,

And I, a little bit brusquely.


I write novels,

You make jewelry,

I study piano,

You sew lovely.


So different we seem –

Like black and white, we are,

Yet we both dazzle in each other’s light

Like midnight’s many stars.


We cannot live without each other,

No matter how far away we seem.

There will always be a part of me in you,

And a part of you in me.


No matter where we end in this world,

Down the street, or elsewhere vast, or far, far away,

In each other’s thoughts and prayers

We shall loyally stay.


Many people enter and exeunt the grand stage of life,

But we shall always remain the same in the end –

In good times and bad, in peace or storm,

We shall forever be sisters – the best of friends. 


  1. Wow. Poetry is definitely your gift! This is beautiful!

  2. This is an amazing poem! :) So sweet.
