Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A little about me....

      Hello, this is Rose! I am very new to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me.  Well, let me start off by saying 10 facts about myself!
1.       I am the third eldest of eight kids, and a daughter of two great parents that are blessed with wisdom from God to raise us up.  I love being a part of a big family because there is never a dull moment in the house, and I think having so many siblings is exciting!

2.      I love to crochet and sew! Well I like anything that is crafty but I mostly like to crochet, sew, and make jewelry. I also like to do hairstyles on Fiona.
3.      I love little children and babies… well who doesn’t! I want to be a neonatal nurse when I grow up. (A neonatal nurse works with newborn infants)
4.      I started ballet 5 months ago and love it! My mom tried to put me in ballet when I was about 3 years old, but I was like a “magnet” to my mom, and very shy. Now I find it very fun, and can’t wait till summer is over to start the next year of ballet. I recently took a Ballet exam and if I pass I will move on to the next level, which has Pointe!!! (I will post my exam results when I get them)

5.      I love mysteries!

I love ‘Nancy Drews’, and read almost all the Nancy Drew books in my local library.

‘Murder She Wrote’ is so good! I haven’t read any of the books YET but I love      watching the show, she is so good at solving crime!

And of course ‘Sherlock’ he is an amazing genius, you probably already knew that though!

6.      I am a bit of a photographer, and hopefully I will do a photo-shoot soon of the newest addition to the family “Adirah” who is 9 weeks old.

7.      I love stretching, especially with my best friend Breanna. She and I are very flexible. I can do a right/left front split and am working toward my middle split! Breanna is amazingly talented and can do over splits and so many gymnastics tricks that I am always bragging about her talents to my family.

8.     I like anything vintage. 
9.      My favorite colors are mint, turquoise, and olive green. You can tell by the color of my text I am using. J
    10.  And last but not least! I have a shop on Etsy that I sell my handmade jewelry on.  
            click here to go to my Etsy shop.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post!


  1. Great first post! :) I didn't know you bragged to your family about me.. :p I can't wait to see more posts!

  2. Thanks! Yes, and they sometimes get annoyed. "Breanna this, Breanna that..." lol :P

  3. I'd like to ask about something you haven't mentioned (or I missed). Are you home schooled? Rushdoony(Chalcedon)?

  4. We are. And proudly and happily so. :)

    1. Please answer one more question about your faith. Are you forbidden to read the books of the New Testament which speak of the passing of mosaic law?

  5. No. Why would we? There is no evidence of the New Testament claiming that the Mosaic Law passed away. The apostles were Jewish and practiced Judaism. I don't see your point there... We practice the Christianity/Judaism that the first-century believers did. End of story.

  6. And allow me to add that I am not "forbidden" from reading anything. I'm very open-minded and have read all sorts of things from Greek mythology to Jewish lore to the Koran to the Lost Books. My parents believe in letting me read what I like and allowing me determine what I believe on my own.

    1. There is extensive discourse on the subject in the New Testament. Romans, Galatians and Acts come readily to mind. The Mosaic law was intended to show men that they could not be made clean by laws. Peter called it the yoke no man could bear. Sinners sat in judgement of sinners. Those who did not sin outwardly sinned in their hearts. No man is fit to judge another's sins. Recall the words "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Man is saved by grace alone.

      Rushdoony was an anti-Christian who served the purposes of Libertarian politics. That is to say he provided a false scriptural justification for the plutocracy of the Kochs. The obscene secret amounts to this - his followers are to rut until their numbers are sufficient to use democratic methods to destroy democracy and install their leaders in power.

      I won't trouble you further. I am instructed to turn away from the evil you've embraced. But I can't help but think - Aren't you better than this?

    2. "I am instructed to turn away from the evil you've embraced." Huh. Interesting.What evil are you talking about, loving Torah? Reading Jewish lore or Greek myths or the Koran? You must be a troll. I have no idea what you're talking about.
      I am no follower of Rushdooney (I didn't know who that was) because I am most definitely NOT anti-Christian. I AM Christian. Just not a main-stream Christian because I also practice Judaism. You don't seem to understand my beliefs, so I'll excuse your rudeness. Let me just make it clear that I am a Christian practicing the Holy Days and keeping Kosher because I want to be more like Yeshua. There is nothing "evil" about that.

    3. I asked if you were a follower of Rushdoony or the Chalcedon organization and your reply indicated to me that you were. If that's untrue then the comments I made do not apply. However you indicate that you're unaware of the passing of Mosaic law. That amounts to a denial of the very purpose of the Christ.

      It isn't wrong to practice the observance of those elements of Judaism which are in keeping with the new covenant. Practicing the Holy Days and keeping Kosher is excellent.

      Educate me. I've never heard of this practice aside from Rushdoony and"dominion-ism". Are you claiming your objective is not to install rulers in the seats of power? Are you saying you don't believe in the death penalty for all manner of sins from adultery to blasphemy?

  7. I answered "yes" to being homeschooled. Sorry if you misunderstood.
    The Law of Moses (the Torah) will never pass away - that is what Christ came to tell the world. He even said, "I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it." He came to show us how to live it out. That's what I believe in and so I follow Yeshua and what he would have done - practicing Torah and of course believing in grace. But of course we can always agree to disagree... :)
    Of course my objective is NOT to install rulers in the seats of power! I have nothing to do with that Rushdoony cult you mentioned and really can't see how anyone can believe in such "dominion-ism". I do not believe in the death penalty for adultery or blasphemy either.
    We don't follow anyone. We don't even go to church actually. We're just people who have convictions yet remain open-minded to everyone else's too. We're not crusaders - we're just peacemakers. And we're not a cult - we're just a homechooled family.
    Hope that clears things up. ;)

    1. I'm very pleased to hear that. I've searched through blog after blog in hopes of finding someone who isn't a follower of Rushdoony or his ilk. It often seems that everyone online is intent on a world where sinners are stoned to death. And some human, likely a hell-bound billionaire, rules as the "arbiter" of God's will.

      We do disagree, but I believe it's an honest disagreement. You cite Matthew 5:17. It's unfortunate that the word inaccurately translated as "abolish" is paired with a misunderstanding of the expression "the Law and the Prophets". The latter is a phrase that refers to the ancient texts. Roughly speaking it means the Old Testament and its prophesies. The word translated "abolish" is closer to "set aside" in its meaning. He did not come to set aside the prophesies but rather to fulfill them.

      Read Romans (with attention to 3 and 7), all of Galatians, and Acts 15.
      Early Christians wrestled with the question of following Mosaic law and the matter was well resolved in Paul's time. The law served to teach the nature of sin. The yoke it represented was lifted by Christ.

    2. Fool that I am, I forgot Hebrews! Pay special attention to the last of chapter 8 where it speaks of the old covenant as obsolete and vanishing away.

    3. Yes, I've read those passages. Those verses are often interpreted as symbolizing a totally new covenant. But I believe that if Yeshua meant to create a religion totally different from Judaism, he is not the Messiah. Such a belief is basically Replacement Theology - a theology rooted in Anti-Semitism. But of course that's just my belief. I recently had a theological debate on this with my friend who also has a blog here:
      Which she never got back to me on... :/
      Well, now that we've got that misunderstanding out of the way... enjoy the rest of our blog! :)

    4. I admit to being slow, but apart from anti-Christians such as the Reconstructionists and their like, I'm not intolerant of beliefs different than my own.

      What you describe sounds like Messianic Judaism. Yet you don't use the term. There are a (very) few synagogues that hold services specifically for such beliefs. Some messianic attend regular synagogues and simply make no open issue of their beliefs. Have you considered this?

      BTW, I'm checking out that blog you mentioned for make-up tips ; )

    5. Yes! I practice Messianic Judaism. Most people don't really know about it. And the thing is... people think I'm Jewish, but I'm not. Thus, the confusion... :) We have attended synagogues, but there is of course the language barrier and also, we have not been able to connect to a congregation in our area. In the meanwhile, we watch live-streamed services on the website of El Shaddai Ministries. You may have heard of their Blood Moon beliefs. ;)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yes! I practice Messianic Judaism. Most people don't really know about it. And the thing is... people think I'm Jewish, but I'm not. Thus, the confusion... :) We have attended synagogues, but there is of course the language barrier and also, we have not been able to connect to a congregation in our area. In the meanwhile, we watch live-streamed services on the website of El Shaddai Ministries. You may have heard of their Blood Moon beliefs. ;)

    1. Ah! Now I understand. Calling something by its proper name makes all the difference.

      Predicting the end times, in defiance of scripture, is a favorite pass time of charlatans. I though Hagee had already retired amidst scandal.

      Let me say for the record my own faith is Lutheran though I would remind you of the old Emmo Philips joke "Why the long face?". Lutheran is not necessary Lutheran, depending on who's doing the talking.

      I did look at the site and was dismayed to see support for the state that calls itself "Israel". I'm certain we could find no agreement on that subject.

    2. In case you're under the idea that Hagee discovered the Blood Moon thing... it was actually Pastor mark Biltz. A lot of people think it was Hagee, but Biltz actually told him about it and sort of "stole" his idea. :)

      "I did look at the site and was dismayed to see support for the state that calls itself "Israel". I'm certain we could find no agreement on that subject." - We most definitely will not. :)

    3. I'm continually struck by the hardness of the hearts I've found online. Young girls who "Love, love, love Jesus" and yet either don't know or outright despise His words. They love cruelty and have no inclination to side with the weak. Certainly a lot of these young bloggers are "daddy's girls". Whatever he says becomes their law. And what pathetic monsters those daddys must be! -- Whatsoever you do to the least of these ... keep doing till they're dead. Vote GOP and love the rich. -- What a sick, evil bunch! Living on menial wages taking government assistance, all the while preaching hatred for the "liberalism" that feeds the family they can't properly support. Such a great weight is put on "modesty". What does it matter if you're "clean" outwardly, but filled with corruption?

    4. "I'm continually struck by the hardness of the hearts I've found online. Young girls who "Love, love, love Jesus" and yet either don't know or outright despise His words. They love cruelty and have no inclination to side with the weak. Certainly a lot of these young bloggers are "daddy's girls". Whatever he says becomes their law. And what pathetic monsters those daddys must be! -- Whatsoever you do to the least of these ... keep doing till they're dead."

      I have no idea what this has to do with what we were discussing. But you're entitled to your opinion no mater how out of place it may be I suppose.

      "Vote GOP and love the rich. -- What a sick, evil bunch! Living on menial wages taking government assistance, all the while preaching hatred for the "liberalism" that feeds the family they can't properly support. Such a great weight is put on "modesty". What does it matter if you're "clean" outwardly, but filled with corruption?"

      You are obviously offended by my not wanting to start a political discussion and have tried to start one anyways. If we will not agree, why do you want to shove your agenda on me? I'm not offended by it, but I am disturbed by the fact that you have nothing better to do than gush your opinions on homeschooling girls' blogs.
      By what I've read of your comments on Blythe's blog, you're not far from "preaching hatred" yourself. You make it very clear that you hate homeschoolers and conservatives. Don't go accusing us of being angry or having no social life. I think it's clear who is the one with anger issues and no social life.
      Please share your hating views on a blog or forum with others like you. I will have no more to do with your rants.
      Thank you.

    5. Please lower the hem of your skirt another inch. Your soul is showing.

    6. Ok, you don't understand my sudden change of tone. Blood Moons. I thought you were kidding. You weren't. Yes, that makes me angry. Very angry. The blasphemous "Israel" is an abomination and a murder machine. It will pass and become a tragic memory like Nazi Germany.

      So, being sufficiently fed up, I told you what I think of the lot of you. The crazy bloggers I've found at blogspot. Do any of you ever ask yourselves why do my parents belong to this tiny (in your case infinitesimal) fraction of the World's faiths? The straightforward answer is that they're NUTS.

      And THAT, regardless of whatever else you may write to me, is my last word to you.

    7. Thank you for making your point clear. I respect it and yet at the same time pity you. You call yourself a Christian and yet are so full of hate when Christianity is all about love. This is also my last word just to let you know that I am not in the least moved by your anger because it is positively wrong. Yeshua is all about love not hate - understanding not anger.

      If you cannot withhold such angry rants towards God's people and His Holy land as well as to the many families trying to follow Him in their own unique way (however wrong you may believe it to be), I believe you need to get help. Soon.

      L'chaim! And shalom, salaam, paz, and peace!
      ~ Fiona
